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WSET Level 1 in Mandarin                 WSET® 葡萄酒第一级认证

WSET Level 1 in Mandarin WSET® 葡萄酒第一级认证


This course is designed for beginners and does not require any prior knowledge. It also welcomes  participants with tasting experience who want to further enhance their wine tasting skills. The  course includes practical aspects such as food and wine pairing, wine glass selection, and wine opener techniques…etc.


本课程针对初学者设计,不需要任何基础即可 报名上课。同时欢迎有品饮经验,想进一步提升品酒技巧的学员也很适合参加。该课程规划有一大部分从实际操作面着手,如美食与酒的搭配,酒杯及开瓶器的运用…等。


    Location: Chino Hills (12598 Central Ave, Suite 218, Chino, CA 91710)
    Date: 01/11/2025 (Registration must be received by 12/27/2024)
    Time: 9:30 AM – 4:30 PM (including 45 minutes’ exam)
    Exam:  Same day

    上课地点 :  奇诺岗 (12598 Central Ave, Suite 218, Chino, CA 91710)
    上课日期 : 2025年01月11日 (六) (必须于2024年12月27日之前完成注册)
    上课时间 :  9:30 AM - 4:30 PM (含課後測驗45分鐘)


    Registrations cancelled 30 days before the start of class will receive a 90% refund of tuition.  No refunds for cancellations less than 30 days prior to the start of class.

    课程开始前30 天内取消报名 的,可退学费的90%。距课程 开始不足30 天内取消报名的,恕不退款。


    To register for the exam, please include your English full name as
     it appears on your ID, along with your birthdate in the checkout notes. If you are purchasing for someone else, use the
    participating student's name and provide their email and mailing
    address in the notes.

    *为了登记官方测验,请在报名时"checkout"备注中填写您的英文全名(需与您ID的名字一致),并填入您的出生年月日。若您是帮别人报名, 请填写该学生的名字,并提供该学生的电子邮件和邮寄地址于"checkout"备注中。

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